Welcome to Kevin Keay's Home Page  

I am a former senior research assistant (1994-2010) and academic visitor (2011-2015) in meteorology in the School of Earth Sciences at The University of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia.

Current reseach themes in meteorology and climate science are desciribed at: Research Themes

My research interests include the climatology and trends of midlatitude cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere, urban climatology (day of the week variation in temperature and rainfall in Melbourne) and the effects of weather on road accidents.


My Publications:

See: Google Scholar - Kevin Keay

My LinkedIn Page:

See: LinkedIn - Kevin Keay

My Photo Album:
Holiday Photos: Southwest USA and UK June-July 1999

My Bookmarks:



University of Melbourne - School of Earth Sciences
Family and Friends
Weather Links
Statistics Links
Data Formats
Discovery Day - Includes Animated GIFs

Automatic Cyclone Tracking Software Documentation Courses for Meteorology Honours Students