Index of /teaching/fortran_course_notes

      Name                    Last modified      Size  Description
Parent Directory - 138fortran90.pdf 2012-08-08 18:13 411K 2009/ 2012-08-08 18:13 - An_Introduction_to_F..> 2012-08-08 18:13 286K An_Introduction_to_F..> 2012-08-08 18:13 403K Lab_Session_2010.pdf 2012-08-08 18:13 68K README 2012-08-08 18:13 2.6K f77book.pdf 2012-08-08 18:13 1.4M first.f 2012-08-08 18:13 515 intronotes_2007.pdf 2012-08-08 18:13 74K primer.pdf 2012-08-08 18:13 302K reference.pdf 2012-08-08 18:13 493K suppnotes_2007.pdf 2012-08-08 18:13 137K 2012-08-08 18:13 2.2K
Introduction to Fortran Programming

Introduction to Fortran Programming

These files represent the notes for the Fortran course given to the
Meteorology Honours students each year.


The file: contains some
initialisation files (dotfiles) which will enable you to access most of our software
from a Linux PC or Sun with ease.

The file: first.f is the Fortran source code file
discussed in: A No Frills Introduction to Fortran Programming (intronotes_2007.pdf).

Later, we will have a lab session where we will go through the material in:
Lab Session for An Introduction to Fortran Programming (Lab_Session_2008.pdf). Of course,
you are welcome to go through this session on your own.


(1) Suggested reading

It is recommended that you read the following documents in this order:

1.    A No Frills Introduction to Fortran Programming - Kevin Keay (2007). See: intronotes_2007.pdf
2.    A Simple Fortran Primer - Rosemary Mardling, Monash University (1997) (used with permission of the author). See: primer.pdf
3.    Supplementary Notes for An Introduction to Fortran Programming - Kevin Keay (2007). See: suppnotes_2007.pdf
4.      An Introduction to Fortran - Lecture 1 (2010)  See: An_Introduction_to_Fortran_2010_Lecture_1.ppt
5.      An Introduction to Fortran - Lecture 2 (2010)  See: An_Introduction_to_Fortran_2010_Lecture_2.ppt

(2) Further information

You may obtain further information from the following sources.

1.    Professional Programmer's Guide to Fortran 77  - Clive Page, University of Leicester (1995)
(public domain). See: reference.pdf (renamed from: prof77.pdf)
2.    Interactive Fortran 77:  A Hands on Approach (2nd Ed) -  Ian D Chivers and  Jane Sleightholme (1990)
See: This is saved on this site as: f77book.pdf
3.    See: man g77, info g77  and  g77 --help on the Linux PCs and Suns. Some of these help pages
may not be on other operating systems. On the Suns see: man f77 for help on the Sun f77 compiler
(not the same as g77). For Fortran 90 see: man f90 on atlas (Sun).
4.    For Fortran 90 on the Linux machines see: man pgf90. There is also an introductory document on
Fortran 90 at:
This is saved on this site as: 138fortran90.pdf
5.    For Fortran 90 and conversion of Fortran 77 to Fortran 90 see:
Introduction to programming with Fortran : with coverage of Fortran 90, 95, 2003, and 77
by Ian D. Chivers and Jane Sleightholmexi (2006) (Earth Sciences Library: 005.262 CHIV)

Kevin Keay

Mar 8 2010